Audubon Society, Valley Forge Chapter
Tom Reeves
311 Wyndmoor Road
Springfield, PA 19064
Non-profit membership organization operating on the themes of conservation,
recreation, and education. A wetland watch committee has begun to preserve
wetlands in the area.
Boy Scouts of America, Cradle of Freedom Council
Dan Adam
1485 Valley Forge Road
Wayne, PA 19087
Youth service organization involved with community projects
through churches and schools.
Brandywine Conservancy, Inc.
P.O. Box 141
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Non-profit organization providing model land use and environmental regulations for PA
municipalities. Provides land and historic site conservation and management assistance to
landowners and conservation organizations.
Brandywine Valley Association, Inc.
Robert Struble Jr.
1760 Unionville-Wawaset Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.
Jolene Chichilli
Old Waterworks Bldg.
614 N. Front St.
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Chester-Ridley-Crum Watershed Association
Meghan Lockman
P.O Box 227
Gradyville, PA 19039
Local non-profit volunteer organization concerned with protection
and improvement of the Chester, Ridley, and Crum Creek watersheds.
Chester Valley Sportsmen Association
Ray Andrews
109 Lynbrook
Paoli, PA 19301
Sportsmen club that has adopted the upper section of Darby Creek
Clean Water Action
Bob Wendelgass
1128 Walnut Street 300
Phila, PA 19107
Non-profit corporation that presses for strong environmental laws and enforcement,
and educates the public to make environmentally sound consumption lifestyle decisions.
Involved in incinerator and environmental justice issues.
Darby Creek Valley Association
Fritz Thornton
P.O. Box 583
Lansdowne, PA 19050
Non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the heritage and resources of the
Darby Creek watershed through creek clean-ups and monitoring and educational workshops and
Delaware County Institute of Science
Alfred Palmer
11 Veterans Square
Media, PA 19063
Non-profit association which promotes the study of the natural sciences with a library, museum,
lectures, and publications serving Delaware County and adjoining areas. The museum features
minerals, mounted birds and animals, and herbarium, fossils, and other collections, and offers
science classes for junior high students.
Delaware County Field and Stream Association
P.O. Box 1092
Brookhaven, PA 19015
A sportsmen club with interest in fishing, target shooting, and archery.
Delaware County League of Women Voters
Judith Auten
210 Moylan Avenue
Wallingford, PA 19086
Delaware County Orienteering Association
Mary Frank
14 Lake Drive
Spring City, PA 19465
Conducts walks around the region using maps and compasses as a guide.
Environmental Defense Fund
257 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010
Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Ken Murphy
122 C Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001
Non-profit cooperative educational institution that provides objective
information with regard to environmental policy alternatives.
Friends of Smedley Park
Judith Auten
210 Moylan Avenue
Wallingford, PA 19086
Advocate group formed to organize voluteer work at the park, plan activities,
and raise funds for the park.
Girl Scouts of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Sharon Smith
594 S. New Middletown Road
Media, PA 19063
In addition to the traditional goals of Girl Scouting, the organization is
active in the Polystyrene Recycling Awareness Project in Delaware County.
Grass Roots the Organic Way
Christine Weidner
38 Llangollen Lane
Newtown Square, PA 19073
GROW is an environmental organization founded to inform people about the misuse and
overuse of pesticides and offer alternative solutions to pest control.
Green Space Alliance
Patrick Starr
1211 Chestnut Street
Suite 900
Phila, PA 19107
Coalition of groups and individuals convened by Pennsylvania Environmental
Council to protect regional open space through cooperation.
Haverford College Arboretum
Haverford College
Haverford, PA 19041
Non-profit organization focusing on preservation, restoration, and education.
The arboretum on the campus has over 1,000 trees mapped and documented.
Keystone Trails Association
Mildred Forrester
P.O. Box 251
Cogan Station, PA 17728
Non-profit organization interested in the protection of hiking opportunities
in Pennsylvania.
Mid-Atlantic Council of Watershed Associations
David Froehlich
12 Morris Road
Ambler, PA 19002
Non-profit organization that shares knowledge and experience about watersheds.
Middletown Township Land Conservancy
Fred LeSturgeon
P.O. Box 4103
Elwyn, PA 19063
Non-profit volunteer organization that assists with easements of open
space and conservation areas in Middletown. Compiles a registry of significant
trees in the township and helps maintain township trails.
National Wildlife Federation
1400 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Nature Conservancy, Pennsylvania Chapter
P. Randolph Gray
Lee Park
1100 E. Hector Street
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Non-profit organization that preserves the plants, animals, and natural
communities that represent the diversity of life on the earth by protecting
the lands and water they need to survive.
Natural Lands Trust, Inc.
Hildacy Farms
1031 Palmers Mill Road
Media, PA 19063
Non-profit organization works with people and communities to preserve land in the region,
manages preserves open to the public.
Newlin Mill Park
H. Dabbs Woodfin
219 S. Cheney Road
Glen Mills, PA 19342
Dual purposes include historical and environmental preservation and conservation,
holds trout days in the spring.
PA Forestry Association
Scott Kurtzman
56 E. Main Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Non-profit council that organizes educational workshops on selecting, planting,
and caring for trees and assessing the value of forests to a community.
Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc.
Andrew W. Johnson
1211 Chestnut Street
Phila, PA 19102
Non-profit membership organization dedicated to developing, promoting, supporting, and
implementing sound environmental policies statewide.
Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen Clubs
Joe Neville
2426 N. Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Non-profit organization promoting programs that will encourage conservation of the natural
resources of our state and nation.
Pennsylvania Recreation and Parks Society
Robert Griffith
1315 West College Avenue
Suite 200
State College, PA 16801
Promotes quality recreation and park opportunities for all citizens of the Commonwealth of PA,
through conservation and education.
Pennsylvania Resource Council
Patricia Imperato
3606 Providence Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Non-profit statewide citizen’s environmental organization that teaches conservation of natural
resources, waste reduction, recycling, and litter and billboard control.
Philadelphia Herpetological Society
Mark Miller
P.O. Box 52261
Phila, PA 19115-7261
Non-profit organization with a mission of conservation and education, particularly of reptiles
and amphibians.
Rails to Trails Conservancy of PA
Tom Sexton
105 Locust Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
National, non-profit membership organization working with local recreation and conservation
agencies to preserve our natural built rail systems.
Scott Arboretum
Claire Sawyers
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Covering over 110 acres at the college, the arboretum displays more than 500 different kinds of
ornamental plants. Programs include a free cooperative lecture series, special events, guided
tours, workshops, and trips.
Sierra Club-Eastern PA Group
Dennis Winters
623 Catherine Street
Phila, PA 19147
Grass roots volunteer organization that works to explore, enjoy, and preserve the nation’s forests,
water, wildlife, and wilderness. Sponsors local walks and programs.
Society for Conservation Biology, Delaware Valley Chapter
Bruce Grant
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013
Hosts annual symposium on issues related to biodiversity and conservation biology in our region.
Springton Lake Crum Creek Conservancy
Jack Eliason
3714 Gradyville Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Non-profit conservation group designed to protect Crum Creek and its tributaries, and preserve
Springton Lake Reservoir and its watershed.
Taylor Memorial Arboretum
10 Ridley Drive
Wallingford, PA 19086
30 acre wildlife preserve along Ridley Creek containing woodlands, meadows, and collections
of unusual trees and shrubs. Tours and resource material available.
Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research Center
Lin Frink
110 Old Possum Hollow Road
Newark, DE 19711
Non-profit volunteer organization that specializes in wild bird rehabilitation and oil spill
Tyler Arboretum
Richard Colbert
515 Painter Road
Lima, PA 19063
Non-profit institution providing an outdoor living museum that uses plants and other natural
systems to further education, recreation, and science. 700 acre property contains 20 miles of
hiking trails and several historic buildings.
Wildlands Conservancy
Thomas Kerr
3701 Orchid Place
Emmaus, PA 18049
Non-profit organization concerned with land and stream preservation, environmental education
and recreation planning.
World Game Institute
University City Science Center
3215 Race Street
Phila, PA 19104