Delaware County Conservation District
Edward Magargee
Rose Tree Park-Hunt Club
1521 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
Administers the state’s erosion and sediment control program and serves the county in
conservation of natural resources, sediment pollution, open space preservation, wetlands
protection, and environmental education.
Delaware County Cooperative Extension of Penn State
Joyce Morrison
Smedley Park
20 Papermill Road
Springfield, PA 19064
Provides educational programs in agriculture, home horticulture, urban gardening, food and
nutrition, home economics, and 4-H youth development.
Delaware County Parks and Recreation Board
Mark Manfre
Government Center Building
Media, PA 19063
Maintains park land and provides cultural, environmental, and recreational activities. The park
board serves as an advisory board to the Parks Department and County Council.
Delaware County Planning Department
John Pickett
Toal Building
200 N. Orange Street
Media, PA 19063
Coordinates environmental concerns with federal agencies, the PA Department of
Environmental Resources, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, other county
agencies and the 49 municipalities.
Delaware County Solid Waste Authority
Sue Cordes
Rose Tree Park-Hunt Club
1521 N. Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
Responsibilities include solid waste disposal, permits, trash monitoring, county ordinance
enforcement, planning, developing, designing, and administering the expansion and
modification of transfer stations.
Delaware Estuary Program
William Johnson
P.O.Box 7861
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Established to develop a comprehensive conservation and management plan that will protect and
enhance the natural resources of the estuary.
Delaware River Basin Commission
Gerald Hansler
25 State Police Drive
P.O. Box 7360
Trenton, NJ 08628
Controls water resource management of the 13,000 square mile Delaware River Basin, monitors
water quality and planning, directs reservoir operations and water conservation programs and is
a regulatory agency in charge of permits for projects concerning the basin.
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
John Coscia
Bourse Building
111 S. Independence Mall East
Phila, PA 19106
Provides continuing, comprehensive, and coordinated planning for orderly growth and
development of the Delaware Valley region. Holds seminars and monthly meetings open to the
Ridley Creek State Park
Roger McChesney
Sycamore Mills Road
Media, PA 19063
The site of several historic buildings including a colonial plantation. Activities include hiking,
biking, horse-back riding on park trails, fishing, cross-country skiing, and picnicking.
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum
International Plaza II, Suite 104
Phila, PA 19113
Managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the refuge contains the largest freshwater tidal
marsh in PA. Activities include fishing, biking, nature observation, photography, art
environmental education, and hiking.
PA Association of Conservation Districts
Susan Fox
225 Pine Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Represents the 66 conservation districts in PA by promoting district funding levels, legislative
objectives, and public relations. Publishes a quarterly newsletter for general readership.
PA Citizens Advisory Council
Susan Wilson
P.O. Box 8459
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Mandated to review the DEP and the environmental laws of the Commonwealth, and to make
independent recommendations for their improvement.
PA Dept. of Environmental Protection-Southeastern Region
Joseph Feola, Regional Director
2 East Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Goals are to ensure the best use of PA’s natural resources, protect and restore the natural
environment, protect public health and safety.
Bureau of Forestry
Gerald Hoy, Service Forester
PA Bureau of Forestry – William Penn District
845 Park Road
Elverson, PA 19520
Strives to ensure the best use of PA’s natural resources and assists in the understanding,
planning, care and management of private woodlands.
PA Fish and Boat Commission
On Military Leave – Waterways Conservation Officer
Regional Office – P.O. Box 8
Elm, PA 17521
Responsible for enforcing the PA fish and boat code-law boating safety, pollution, and earth
disturbance encroachment problems, and stocking trout.
PA Game Commission
Wildlife Conservation Office
S.E.Regional Office
448 Snyder Road
Reading, PA 19605
Directed by law to “protect, propagate, manage, and preserve the wildlife resources of the state,
and to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth relating thereto.” Provides the Hunter Education
Program for the training of first time hunters in safety, responsibility, and wildlife appreciation.
Army Corp of Engineers, Regulatory Branch
Rick Clon
Phila. District
100 Penn Square East
Phila, PA 19107
Regulatory agency responsible for monitoring activities such as the construction of docks and
piers and the discharge of dredge and fill material in navigable federal waterways.
Council on Environmental Quality
722 Jackson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20503
The council assists and advises the President on authoritative information concerning the
conditions and trends in the quality of the environment.
USDA Chester-Delaware County Farm Service Agency
Holly Baker
Government Center Suite 280
601 Westtown Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Administers farm commodity and resource conservation programs and administers a program
offering incentive payments for installation of conservation practices.
Natural Resources and Conservation Service
Sam High
Government Center Room 381
601 Westtown Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Agency of the US Dept. of Ag. that provides technical assistance to land users to reduce erosion
and deterioration of soil and water resources.
US Environmental Protection Agency-Region III
Michael McCabe
841 Chestnut Street
Phila, PA 19107
Agency responsible for implementing the federal laws designed to protect the environment. The
agency deals with air and water quality, hazardous waste management, control of toxic
substances, pesticides, radiation, and pollution prevention.
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Charles Kulp
315 S. Allen Street
State College, PA 16801
Responsibilities include reviewing general permits, enforcing wetlands laws in southeastern PA,
and educating the general pubic in wildlife preservation practices.
US Geological Survey
Charles Wood
111 Great Valley Parkway
Malvern, PA 19355
Appraises the nation’s water resources, provides the hydrological information needed for
managing these resources, and collects data on the quantity and quality of surface and ground
water for the Delaware River Basin.