Chapter 105 General Permits
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What can you do to a stream with and without permitting booklet : StreamMaintenanceBooklet
Effective July 1, 2007 Conservation Easements and Deed Restrictions have been incorporated into the Chapter 105 General Permitting process.
GP-01 Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures, 3930-PM-WM0501
GP-02 Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps, 3930-PM-WM0502
GP-03 Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Protection & Gravel Bar Removal, 3930-PM-WM0503
GP-04 Intake & Outfall Structures, 3930-PM-WM0504
GP-05 Utility Line Stream Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0505
GP-07 Minor Road Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0507
GP-08 Temporary Road Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0508
GP-09 Agricultural Activities, 3930-PM-WM0509
GP-10 Abandoned Mine Reclamation, 3930-PM-WM0510
GP-11 Maintenance, Testing, Repair, Rehabilitation or Replacement of Water Obstructions and Encroachments