Chapter 105 General Permits
For access to DEP’s e Library for additional permits or sections of GPs click here
Effective July 1, 2007 Conservation Easements and Deed Restrictions have been incorporated into the
Chapter 105 General Permitting process. Below is the link to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Website
in Baltimore that contains important information on these new policies and procedures.
GP-01 Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures, 3930-PM-WM0501
GP-02 Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps, 3930-PM-WM0502 GP-03 Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Protection & Gravel Bar Removal, 3930-PM-WM0503
GP-04 Intake & Outfall Structures, 3930-PM-WM0504
GP-05 Utility Line Stream Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0505
GP-06 Agricultural Crossings & Ramps, 3930-PM-WM0506
GP-07 Minor Road Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0507
GP-08 Temporary Road Crossings, 3930-PM-WM0508
GP-09 Agricultural Activities, 3930-PM-WM0509
GP-10 Abandoned Mine Reclamation, 3930-PM-WM0510 GP-11
Maintenance, Testing, Repair, Rehabilitation or Replacement of Water Obstructions and Encroachments