Click below for an Application and Guidelines:

DCCD Mini-Grant Application


In order to promote conservation work in Delaware County, the Conservation District has established a mini grant program. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis.  Grant requests should not exceed $500.00.  The Conservation District Board of Directors will annually allocate a sum of money to this program based on the prior year’s excess of income over expenses.  To start the program in 1998, the Board allocated $3,000.00.

Applicants must be based in Delaware County. Applications for mini grants will be accepted from the following groups:

  • Locally Based Environmental Organizations
  • School-based Environmental Clubs
  • Homeowners Associations and Civic Associations
  • Scouting Organizations
  • Municipal Environmental Advisory Councils and Shade Tree Commissions
  • Sportsman’s Groups
  • Master Watershed Stewards and Master Gardeners of Delaware County Cooperative Extension

Projects expected to result in the conservation of natural resources, education of a wide audience, and/or significant improvements to water quality will be funded. Projects must be located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The following are examples of the types of projects that will be considered:

  • Streambank stabilization
  • Riparian forest buffer plantings
  • Storm sewer stenciling / disks
  • Wildlife habitat improvements
  • Conservation practice installation or implementation approved by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (N.R.C.S.) on land open to the public without an access fee
  • Special topic workshops or seminars for the general public on local environmental issues
  • Stream monitoring / water quality testing programs
  • Evaluation of new erosion and sediment control products on publicly owned construction projects
  • Nature trails

The following expenses are considered ineligible:

  • Salaries/benefits
  • Overhead costs

Applications are accepted semi-annually:

Spring Deadline: April 1st

Fall Deadline: October 30th

Grants will be awarded at the Conservation District Board of Directors meeting following each deadline.


Project Completion and Reimbursement Requests

The funds will be distributed after the grantee has expended the funds and completed the project unless the Board waives this requirement. Funds will be released from the Conservation District upon the group’s submittal of a report documenting proof of project completion, including expense records (receipts, invoices, etc.). If the Board waives the requirement for payment after completion of the project, the group must still submit a report after the project has been satisfactorily completed. If the group fails to provide the necessary proof of project completion, they will be ineligible for future mini-grants and requested to return the funds.

 Electronic copies or hard copies of project completion materials will be accepted. Supporting materials for project completion include:

  • Brief summary of project accomplishments
  • Copies of expense documentation, such as receipts or invoices
  • Photographs of the project are encouraged, but not required


Additional Terms and Conditions

The grant applications must be submitted on the form developed by the Delaware County Conservation District.

The mini-grant program’s goal is to maximize environmental quality while minimizing paperwork as associated with other grants. The funds allocated to this program are non-tax dollar funding. The funds are a part of our affiliate membership program. Donations are received from various sources, but the funds are primarily received as part of the emergency Erosion & Sediment Control Review Process. We will need to keep accurate records on the use of these funds, so a certain amount of documentation is required.