On Thusday, November 17th, the Conservation District along with the Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative and the Center for Watershed Protection held an Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination (IDD&E) training for municipal staff who deal with stormwater issues within their communities.
Presenters from the Center for Watershed Protection, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and Delaware County District Attorney’s Office explained how to identify illicit pollution discharges, proper procedures to contain these pollutants, and who to contact / what to do in the event of identifying pollution in storm sewer systems. Panelists from Haverford Township, Catania Engineering Associates, Inc., and Delaware County Emergency Services 911 shared some of their first-hand experiences and procedures with the group as well.
Thank you to our presenters for sharing their knowledge and expertise, the William Penn Foundation for funding the workshop, and the staff at Haverford Township’s Community Recreation & Environmental Center for hosting us!
Presentations can be found here:
Center for Watershed Protection – Illicit Discharge Basics
PA Department of Environmental Protection – MS4 Responsibilities & Requirements for IDD&E
Delaware County DA – IDD&E and Environmental Crimes
Delaware County Emergency Management – How to Respond to Illicit Discharges